COMMIS - a great tool for organizing events of all kinds!
- Interactive calendar for managing events and spaces
- Task modules connected to the calendar
- History and database of your clients and hosted events
- Print out event schedules clearly and graphically
- Access everything online anytime and from anywhere

COMMIS HELPS not only you, but your whole team!
Preparing events
- Create an event
- Make a schedule
- Assign tasks to your colleagues
- Workforce planning
- Overview of free spaces
- Overview of free dates
- Overview of not yet confirmed events
- Client database
- Database of held events
Organizing events
- Check schedule
- Check the current situation
- Check completed tasks
- Check your staff
- Space preparation
- Equipment preparation
- Inventory preparation
- Organized in electronic form
- Graphically in paper form
Executing events
- Automated checklists
- Physical schedule
- Electronic schedule
- The ability to react and ask
- Event changes visible immediately
- Know everything in advance
- Everything clear and simple
- Documents for event billing
- Event evaluation